Estos días los he pasado con mi amorcito que ha venido de visita desde Londres para pasar juntos casi una semana.
No paramos por casa ni un segundo, entre comidas y cenas y paseos y compras... ¡¡¡Fue una semana genial!!!
Os dejo con mis nuevas zapatillas favoritas y dos regalitos que me hizo Angel. <3 p="">-
Hi guys!
I just spent the last few days with my love, who came from London to visit me for nearly a week.
We didn't even step home for a second, between meals and dinners and walks and shopping... It was such a wonderful week!!!
I'll just leave with my new favorite sneakers and two little presents that Angel gave to me. <3 font="">3>
Shoes: Zara - Beanie: Kling - Stuffed unicorn: Topshop.
Por cierto, hoy ha salido la colección de Alexander Wang para H&M, y en cuanto he visto la oportunidad he salido de la uni literalmente corriendo, me he subido a un taxi y he quedado con Marta. Casi dos horas después hemos salido de la tienda con nuestras bolsas más contentas que nadie. Pronto subiré fotos de outfit ;-)
By the way, it was the release of the Alexander Wang x HM collection today, and as soon as I saw the chance I literally run away from my uni, caught a cab and met with Marta. Nearly two hours later we came out of the store with our bags and happier than ever. I'll soon post outfit pictures ;-)
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