Nosotros ya lo celebramos el pasado lunes en Nasty Mondays.
Dijeron que si no ibas disfrazado no te molestaras en pedir entrar por lista y, como si a mi me faltara otra excusa para disfrazarme para Halloween, abrí mi maletín de sombras y maquillaje y me puse manos a la obra.
Happy Halloweeeeeen!!!
We already celebrated it last monday at Nasty Mondays.
They said if you didn't come in a costume you didn't have to even bother asking to get in for free and, as if I needed another reason to dress up for Halloween, I opened my eyeshadows and make-up kit and got the work in progress.
My friend David is on my left, in case you didn't see him Hahaha
Eyeshadow Kit: Sephora - Single Fake Eyelashes: Eylure - Foundation: Revlon - Finishing Powder: Dior - Mascara: Maybeline.
Ahora tengo que dejaros, porque voy a celebrar otra vez mi Halloween con mi persona favorita en el planeta. Así es, ¡¡¡Mi novio ha venido de visita desde Londres!!! Chicos, ¡Me voy al aeropuerto! ;-)
PD: Siento el desorden en la plantilla, hoy mi amiga y diseñadora Marta me lo va a arreglar.
This was the initial look, that little by little went a bit off thanks to someone elses' blood Haha.
Now I gotta leave, because I'm gonna celebrate my Halloween again with my favourite person in the world. Yes, my boyfriend came to see me from London!!! Guys, I'm going to the airport! ;-)
P.S: Sorry for the mess in the design, today my friend and designer Marta is going to sort it out.
Ya no vives en londres?
ReplyDelete¡Nop! Pero voy de visita siempre que puedo ;-)