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Before going to London for the first time, my little cousin gave a me a letter she had written for me and I promised her I would answer and send it to her as soon as I got here. Because of few things that happened, I couldn't answer back so the first thing I did when I got in Spain was going to pick her up from school and spend the afternoon with her as a big surprise. The result? Improvised princess costume party.
My dress was a little bit short on the sleeves to me, and on the length it was down to my knewws, but I'm proud a dress made for 6 year old girls could fit me Hahahaha

Antes de irme a Londres la primera vez, mi primita pequeña me dio una carta que me había escrito y le prometí respondérsela y enviársela a casa en cuanto llegara. Por algunas cosas que pasaron, no se la pude contestar así que lo primero que hice al llegar a España fue ir a buscarla al colegio y pasar la tarde con ella en plan sorpresa. ¿El resultado? Fiesta de disfraces de princesas improvisada.
Mi vestido me quedaba un poquito cortito de mangas, y de largo me iba por las rodillas, pero estoy orgullosa de que me entrara un vestido para niñas de 6 años Hahahaha 

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